Back in the good ol’ days, before we talked about content curation as a next-generation web service, we lived in a curated web. Yes that’s right. Long before there were social networks, even before there were mainstream search engines, people found content online by navigating catalogs of carefully curated content, collections of hand-picked links, or hierarchies of meticulously organised pages. Back in the day, Yahoo! was the king of the curated web, providing millions of early web adopters with access to a carefully curated hierarchical catalog of pages and links. The catalog still survives today even though, by and large, we web users search for, rather than navigate to, the content we seek, but nonetheless in the pre-dawn of the modern web people located content by navigating through Yahoo!’s comprehensive catalog. Of course, then along came Google. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Whitepaper – Mobile, Social Search: A Case Study

By Prof. Barry Smyth, HeyStaks’ Chief Scientist
We are living in a discovery economy where access to the right information at the right time can make the difference between success and failure. The ability to use modern information discovery tools such as search engines, social media, and related services is an important skill for us all to master, particularly on mobile devices where new tradeoffs exist when it comes to searching for and finding information online. In this paper we describe one such solution in the form of collaborative search, which combines conventional term-based search with a more social approach to information discovery that is particularly well-adapted to the constraints of mobile devices.
Whitepaper – Social Search and Search Analytics in the Discovery Economy: An Enterprise Perspective
Knowledge workers continue to struggle when it comes to finding the right information at the right time, leading to high search failure and abandonment rates – 50% of queries lead to failed searches and 44% of knowledge-workers fail to find what they are looking for – a significant cost to enterprise in terms of lost productivity and missed opportunities. One practical solution is for a more collaborative approach to search, which harnesses the past search patterns of experts within an organisation, and works in tandem with conventional search services to provide more relevant and useful results. By harnessing the power of collaborative search, HeyStaks can improve search effectiveness within the enterprise by up to 50% and by fostering improved collaboration HeyStaks will improve engagement, knowledge sharing, and innovation right across an enterprise.