Technology Conferences and Enterprise Summits – August 2013

View from the stage at a technology conference


General Business & Technology Events

Big Data and Analytics Events

Mobile Events

Consumer Web Events

SharePoint Events


SharePoint Social Collaboration: Is it worth the effort?

SharePoint is many things to different companies. To some, it’s a document management platform with an enterprise-grade, federated search system; to others it functions as a communication platform, corporate intranet, project management portal, and scheduling tool and for others still it’s a content management system for hosting websites. While this is a diverse range of use cases, each of them represents two central underlying goals – information access, and collaboration for employees. Indeed, SharePoint may be used in many senses as a complete knowledge management system – with appropriate supporting offline processes (we’ll discuss how HeyStaks automatically behaves as a knowledge management system in a future post!).

While most companies who use it view SharePoint as a way to encourage collaboration within their employee population, many do not fully realize its collaborative potential and instead use it merely as a document storage and retrieval system. This is partly due to SharePoint’s architecture, which puts too much focus on documents and not enough on users and partly due to the complexity of SharePoint itself, which can be daunting in the absence of a dedicated administrator resource. Jeremy Thake provides an overview of the evolution of Sharepoint social & collaboration capabilities from its early days to 2013.

In this post we’ll see how difficulties in maximising SharePoint social features can deter companies from taking full advantage. We’ll also see how the HeyStaks extensions for SharePoint can help companies use the platform in better and more dynamic ways.

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New Video: Increasing Website Conversions

Over the past week or so, we’ve been furiously writing, recording, re-recording and editing to bring you our latest video, entitled “Increase Website Conversions with HeyStaks Collaborative Search”. In the video, Maurice (our CEO) leads you through an example of HeyStaks Collaborative Search in action on a travel booking website. The video illustrates how HeyStaks can increase conversions and engagement by making it easier for a user to find the most suitable content for his specific needs. It demonstrates how HeyStaks, recording implicit collaboration between users, can unlock powerful personalization features.

Take a look below.

We’re planning to release a range of similar videos over the coming weeks and months, showing the power of HeyStaks’ products in a range of different situations.

What You Can Learn by Analysing Your Customers’ Search Data

The HeyStaks Discovery Analytics product provides and interface to visualise the results of big data analysis

On-site search is an important navigational tool for ecommerce and content-based websites. When a large amount of content exists on a site, complex navigation can be inescapable, making it difficult for users to find their way around the site. On-site search is frequently chosen as the best option to help simplify user experience.

But what can we learn from the data that comes from your users’ on-site searches? What kind of insights does this search data provide, and how can you use this information to increase engagement and conversions?

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Context-defined Communities & Personalization

Our short- and long-term context defines who we are and what we’re interested in. Furthermore, when we can automatically identify others who have a similar contextual makeup and group them together, a powerful form of personalized recommendation is possible as we search and browse. As we go about their daily lives, our context changes. While engaging in projects at work, taking up new hobbies, attending events, using apps and searching on particular topics, these activities reflect our interest profiles. Some interests are long-lived, such as an interest in science, a career in a particular field or an artistic hobby. Others are more short-lived, such as attending an art exhibition, listening to a talk at a conference, frequenting a store or executing a Web search. Short-term interests can often be connected to long-term interests (e.g. listening to a talk at a conference is usually linked to a long-term interest such as a career), and in general we can characterize both short- and long-term interests as elements of a person’s contextual makeup.


HeyStaks Keynote Example


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