Determining the value of a Big Data Project

How can a Mobile Operator Measure the Value of a Big Data Project? Evidence suggests that companies who invest in Big Data struggle to make an acceptable return on the investment. Here HeyStaks present the results of a recent survey regarding the Big Data R.O.I. This survey highlights how for large companies the R.O.I. is often…

Whitepaper: Towards the Reputation Web

Since the dawn of the Internet we have used ratings as a proxy for reputation to guide our activities; buyer and seller ratings, for example, have been crucial to the success of eBay and similar online markets. But as the web has become more social, shifting the emphasis from pages to people, we will see…

Whitepaper – Mobile, Social Search: A Case Study

  We are living in a discovery economy where access to the right information at the right time can make the difference between success and failure. The ability to use modern information discovery tools such as search engines, social media, and related services is an important skill for us all to master, particularly on mobile devices where new tradeoffs exist when it comes to searching…

Whitepaper – Social Search and Search Analytics in the Discovery Economy: An Enterprise Perspective

Knowledge workers continue to struggle when it comes to finding the right information at the right time, leading to high search failure and abandonment rates – 50% of queries lead to failed searches and 44% of knowledge-workers fail to find what they are looking for – a significant cost to enterprise in terms of lost productivity and missed opportunities. One…