Webinar Download – How to Unlock New Revenue Streams from Mobile Subscriber Data

Webinar - How to Unlock New Revenue Streams from Mobile Subscriber Data

In this webinar, which is now available for download below, HeyStaks CEO, Dr. Maurice Coyle, tackles a major issue facing mobile operators and service providers today. With the need to invest in the newest and fastest network infrastructure to support new standards such as LTE, ways to derive revenues from these investments must be found. This is made all the more urgent given the fact that traditional voice and messaging revenues are being cannibalised by over-the-top providers like WhatsApp and Skype, who are using the operators’ data utility to do it.

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Benefits of HeyStaks Intentional Advertising

HeyStaks Collaborative Search Analytics builds audience segments from the intent-rich search activity of their subscribers. HeyStaks employs collaborative search analytics to analyze unstructured search activity to build community models of ‘audience intent’ while HeyStaks’ reputation algorithms validate these models to ensure audience segments are of the highest market value. HeyStaks’ open platform allows marketers to activate audience segments in real time to drive precise targeting, creating highest CPM/C for publishers and best ROI for advertisers.

This downloadable paper outlines the features and benefits that HeyStaks Intentional Advertising offers to Mobile Operators and Service Providers.

  • Monetise data usage, effectively
  • Capture real-time, contextual intent
  • Create targeted audience segments
  • Optimize advertisement ROI/CPC/CPM

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Whitepaper: Towards the Reputation Web

HeyStaks Whitepaper 3 - Towards the Reputation Web Since the dawn of the Internet we have used ratings as a proxy for reputation to guide our activities; buyer and seller ratings, for example, have been crucial to the success of eBay and similar online markets. But as the web has become more social, shifting the emphasis from pages to people, we will see reputation playing an ever more crucial and pervasive role to mediate and qualify our interactions.

In this white paper we consider some of the implications of the ability to measure and use reputation, particularly as a recommendation signal in the world of information discovery and collaborative web search.

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Benefits of HeyStaks for eCommerce

ecommerce-guide-preview eCommerce websites are driven by search. But consumers often find it difficult to find the products they are looking for. According to a Forbes “e-Retail Review”, 10% of the products in an online site attract 75% of page views. This means a huge number of products are effectively hidden from potential customers. With HeyStaks collaborative search technology you can personalize the customer’s search experience, delivering a 40% improvement in the quality of recommendations. This means higher conversion rates and more sales. This downloadable paper outlines the features and benefits that HeyStaks technology offers for eCommerce websites:

  • Personalize product search
  • Boost Clickthrough Rates (CTR)
  • Drive conversions
  • Improve customer insight
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Benefits of HeyStaks for eLearning Vendors


Learning is now a user-driven, collaborative and social experience. In today’s social network era, users want to connect with other students and with subject-matter experts in order to improve their learning outcomes. And in today’s knowledge economy, enterprises need to maximize the engagement of their staff with learning content to increase competitive advantage. Collaboration is a key eLearning requirement.

This downloadable paper outlines the features and benefits that HeyStaks technology offers to eLearning vendors.

  • Foster learning collaboration
  • Drive peer learning
  • Promote expertise
  • Identify learning needs
  • Track participation
  • Track competency


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Whitepaper – Mobile, Social Search: A Case Study

Free Whitepaper - Mobile Social Search: A case study

By Prof. Barry Smyth, HeyStaks’ Chief Scientist


We are living in a discovery economy where access to the right information at the right time can make the difference between success and failure. The ability to use modern information discovery tools such as search engines, social media, and related services is an important skill for us all to master, particularly on mobile devices where new tradeoffs exist when it comes to searching for and finding information online. In this paper we describe one such solution in the form of collaborative search, which combines conventional term-based search with a more social approach to information discovery that is particularly well-adapted to the constraints of mobile devices.

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Free Guide to the Dublin Web Summit 2013

Attending Web Summit 2015? Our Free Guide to Web Summit 2015 has been released!

Update – October 29th: The latest version contains a full, printable version of the Web Summit Schedule, information about the Night Summit and which acts to see, a floorplan of the Web Summit, and more.

Dublin Web Summit 2013 Free Guide

The Dublin Web Summit, Ireland’s largest ever technology and business conference, is returning on the 30th and 31st October 2013. HeyStaks will be attending and exhibiting, and is also very proud to be part of the exclusive START inititive.

Being Web Summit veterans, we have produced a handy guide for attendees, which you can download for free. Whether you’ll be visiting from a far-away country or, like us, are a short walk away from the RDS in Dublin, our Guide to the Dublin Web Summit 2013 contains useful tips and practical info which will help you to make the most of this year’s Web Summit.

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Whitepaper – How Operator-Branded Search can help Mobile Operators OTT the OTT

How Operator-Branded Search can help Mobile Operators OTT the OTT

By Lorcan Jordan, HeyStaks’ Business Development Manager

Voice and SMS revenues of Mobile Operators are in steady decline and OTT players dominate the emerging $340billion-valued Mobile VAS market.

What does this mean for Mobile Operators? What opportunities does Mobile VAS offer for new Mobile Operator revenues? What are the challenges and risks? And what are the options for Mobile Operators to once-again engage mobile data users and establish a differentiation in the new internet?

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Whitepaper – Social Search and Search Analytics in the Discovery Economy: An Enterprise Perspective

By Prof. Barry Smyth, HeyStaks' Chief Scientist

By Prof. Barry Smyth, HeyStaks’ Chief Scientist

Knowledge workers continue to struggle when it comes to finding the right information at the right time, leading to high search failure and abandonment rates – 50% of queries lead to failed searches and 44% of knowledge-workers fail to find what they are looking for – a significant cost to enterprise in terms of lost productivity and missed opportunities. One practical solution is for a more collaborative approach to search, which harnesses the past search patterns of experts within an organisation, and works in tandem with conventional search services to provide more relevant and useful results. By harnessing the power of collaborative search, HeyStaks can improve search effectiveness within the enterprise by up to 50% and by fostering improved collaboration HeyStaks will improve engagement, knowledge sharing, and innovation right across an enterprise.

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